Matthew, Susanna, and Selah
27 Million
Ethnic Groups
Independant Baptist
Missionary Families
Our Plan
A basic outline of our plan as God continues to lead us in this way
Pastor Daniel Fox
Assistant Pastor at First Baptist Church of Wayland, MO
"Matthew and Susanna have taken the road less traveled in preparation for missions by spending a year in the country, discerning God’s direction. They are much more familiar now with the territory and have considered up close the areas of need...."
Pastor Levi Deatrick
Pastor at Lifegate Baptist Church in Wildwood, MO
"It is my honor to recommend Matthew and Susanna Schrock to you as missionaries to Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast), West Africa. I’ve known Matthew’s family since he was a little boy in the church which my father pastors in northeast Missouri. However, my friendship with Matthew blossomed in two ways between 2020 and 2022...."